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王义东 研究员
2023-01-31 11:26  

王义东,1982年出生,博士,研究员,博士生导师,天津市水资源与水环境重点实验常务副主任,环境地理学带头人。2010年毕业于中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,获博士学位。2015年8-9月到美国斯坦福大学等高校访学交流,2018年晋升研究员,2019年至2020年在英国班戈大学访学交流一年。主要从事水土环境碳循环及其地理空间分异规律研究,发表学术论文100余篇,其中SCI论文60余篇,合著专著2部。承担科技部科技基础资源调查专项子课题、基金委应急重大项目子课题、重点项目子课题、国家自然科学基金、农业农村部项目、天津市自然科学基金、天津市教委项目等课题。入选天津市高校“中青年骨干创新人才培养计划”、天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程,校首批国家级高端人才培育计划。获天津市自然科学三等奖。担任中国环境科学学会湿地环境生态保育与功能开发专业委员会常务委员、天津市地理学会常务理事、《Land Degradation & Development》期刊副主编(Associate Editor)、《Climate Smart Agriculture》期刊编委、《Carbon Research》、《iMeta》、《土壤通报》青年编委。中国地理学会会员、中国矿物岩石地球化学学会终身会员。





Chen Y, Liu K, Hu N, Lou Y, Wang F, Wang Y. 2023. Biochemical composition of soil organic matter physical fractions under 32-year fertilization in Ferralic Cambisol. Carbon Research,2:Article number 1.https://doi.org/10.1007/s44246-022-00034-0

Song F, Liu K, Lou Y, Kuzyakov Y, Wang Y. 2022. Divergent responses of  aggregate stability to long-term mineral and organic amendments  between upland and paddy soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-022-03270-4

  Yan M, Zhang X, Liu K, Lou Y, Wang Y. 2022. Particle size primarily shifts chemical composition of organic matter under long-term fertilization in paddy soil. European Journal of Soil Science, 73: e13170.   https://doi.org/10.1111/ejss.13170

   Wang Y, Xue D, Hu N, Lou Y, Zhang Q, Zhang L, Zhu P, Gao H, Zhang S, Zhang H, Li D, Song Z, Kurganova I, Kuzyakov Y, Wang Z-L. 2021. Post-agricultural restoration of soil organic carbon pools across a climate gradient. Catena, 200: 105138. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2020.105138

  Xia S, Wang W, Song Z, Kuzyakov Y, Guo L, Van Zwieten L, Li Q, Hartley IP, Yang Y, Wang Y, Quine TA, Liu C, Wang H. 2021. Spartina alterniflora invasion controls organic carbon stocks incoastal marsh and mangrove soils across tropics and subtropics. Global Change Biology, 27:1627–1644.DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15516

  Xia S, Song Z, Li Q, Guo L, Yu C, Singh BP, Fu X, Chen C, Wang Y, Wang H. 2021. Distribution, sources, and decomposition of soil organic matter along a salinity gradient in estuarine wetlands characterized by C:N ratio, δ13C-δ15N, and lignin biomarker. Global Change Biology, 27:417–434.DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15403.

  Wu L, Wang Y, Zhang S, Wei W, KuzyakovY, Ding X. 2021. Fertilization effects on microbial community compositionand aggregate formation in saline-alkaline soil. Plant and Soil, 463:523–535.

  Zhu Y, Wang Y, Guo C, Xue D, Li J, Chen Q, Song Z, Lou Y, KuzyakovY, Wang Z-L, Jones DL. 2020. Conversionof coastal marshes to croplands decreases organic carbon but increasesinorganic carbon in saline soils. Land Degradation & Development, 31, 1099-1109. DOI:10.1002/ldr.3538.

  Xia S, Song Z, Wang Y, Wang W, Singh BP, Kuzyakov Y, Wang H. 2020. Soil organic matter turnover depending on land use change: Coupling C/N ratios, δ13C and lignin biomarkers. Land Degradation & Development,DOI:10.1002/ldr.3720

 Xue D, Yu H, Fang Y, Shan J, Xi D, Wang Y, Kuzyakov Y, Wang Z-L. 2020. 15N-tracer approach to assess nitrogen cycling processes: Nitrate reduction, anammox and denitrification in different pH cropland soils. Catena, 193, 104611.

 Xue D, Li J, Wang Y, Wang Z-L. 2020. Nitrate source distribution in rivers, estuaries and groundwater using a dual isotope approach and a Bayesian isotopemixing model. Applied Ecologyand Environmental Research, 18:46514668.

  Sun S, Zhang Y, Song Z, Chen B, Zhang Y, Yuan W, Chen C, Chen W, Ran X, Wang Y. 2020. Mapping coastal wetlands of the Bohai Rim at aspatial resolution of 10 m using multipleopen-access satellite data and terrain indices. Remote Sensing, 12: 4114; doi:10.3390/rs12244114

  Wu L, Wei C, Zhang S, Wang Y, Kuzyakov Y, Ding X. 2019. MgO-modified biochar increases phosphate retention and rice yields in saline-alkaline soil. Journal of Cleaner Production, 235: 901909.

  Zhang W, Song K, Li X, Wang Y, Jiang H, Tang Y. 2019. Remote sensing the orographic effects of dry-hot valley on vegetation distribution in the southeast Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Remote Sensing, DOI:10.1080/01431161.2019.1620370

  Sun X-L, Wang Y, Wang H-L, Zhang C, Wang Z-L. 2019. Digital soil mapping based on empirical mode decomposition components of environmental covariates. European Journal of Soil Science, DOI:10.1111/ejss.12851

  Zhang X, Song Z, Hao Q, Wang Y, Ding F, Song A. 2019. Phytolith-occluded carbon storages in forest litter layers in southern China: Implications for evaluation of long-term forest carbon budget. Frontiers in Plant Science,DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00581

  Zang H, Xiao M, Wang Y, Ling N, Wu J, Ge T, Kuzyakov Y. 2019. Allocation of assimilated carbon in paddies depending on rice age, chase period and N fertilization: Experiment with 13CO2 labelling and literature synthesis. Plant and Soil, DOI:10.1007/s11104-019-03995-1

 Chen Y, Hu, N, Zhang Q, Lou Y, Li Z; Tang Z, Kuzyakov Y, Wang Y. 2019. Impacts of green manure amendment on detritus micro-food web in a double-rice cropping system. Applied Soil Ecology, 138: 3236.

  Wang Y, Wang Z-L, Zhang Q, Hu N, Li Z, Lou Y, Li Y, Xue D, Chen Y, Wu C, Zou CB, Kuzyakov Y. 2018. Long-term effects of nitrogen fertilization on aggregation and localization of carbon, nitrogen and microbial activities in soil. Science of the Total Environment 624: 1131–1139. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.113

  Wang Y, Wang Z-L. 2018. Shifts of sediment microbial community structure along a salinized and degraded river continuum. Journal of Coastal Research, 34: 443–450. DOI: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-16-00216.1

  Wang J, Di Y, Dai X, Xu M, Fu X, Wang H, Wang Y. 2018. Response of soil microbial communities to site preparation before afforestation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, DOI: 10.1139/cjfr-2017-0341

 Chen Q, Wang Y, Zou CB, Wang Z-L. 2017. Aboveground biomass invariance masks significant belowground productivity changes in response to salinization and nitrogen loading in reed marshes. Wetlands, 37: 985–995. DOI:10.1007/s13157-017-0932-2

  Wang Y, Hu N, Ge T, Kuzyakov Y, Wang Z-L, Li Z, Tang Z, Chen Y, Wu C, Lou Y. 2017. Soil aggregation regulates distributions of carbon, microbial community and enzyme activities after 23-year manure amendment. Applied Soil Ecology, 111: 65–72. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2016.11.015

  Xu S, Wang Y, Guo C, Zhang Z, Shang Y, Chen Q, Wang Z-L. 2017. Comparison of microbial community composition and diversity in native coastal wetlands and wetlands that have undergone long-term agricultural reclamation. Wetlands, 37, 99108. DOI: 10.1007/s13157-016-0843-7

  Li Y, Wang Y, Xu S, Hu B, Wang Z-L. 2017. Effects of mariculture and solar-salt production on sediment microbial community structure in a coastal wetland. Journal of Coastal Research, 33: 573582.

 窦渤凯, 王义东, 薛冬梅, 王中良. 2017. 挺水和湿生草本植物传输甲烷的过程与机制研究进展. 植物生态学报, 41 (11): 12081218.

 许士麒, 王义东, 郭长城, 娄翼来, 王中良. 2017. 天津咸化湿地土壤碳、氮特征对长期垦殖的响应. 天津师范大学学报(自然科学版), 37(1): 63–68, 75.

Wang Y, Hu N, Xu M, Li Z, Lou Y, Chen Y, Wu C, Wang Z-L. 2015. 23-year manure and fertilizer application increases soil organic carbon sequestration of a rice–barley cropping system. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 51: 583–591. DOI: 10.1007/s00374-015-1007-2

 Wang Y, Wang H, Xu M, Ma Z, Wang Z-L. 2015. Soil organic carbon stocks and CO2 effluxes of native and exotic pine plantations in subtropical China. Catena, 128: 167–173. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2015.02.003

 冯小平, 王义东, 王博祺, 王中良. 2015. 盐分对湿地甲烷排放影响的研究进展. 生态学杂志, 34(1): 237–246.

 陈清, 王义东, 郭长城, 王中良. 2015. 天津沼泽湿地芦苇叶片的碳稳定同位素比值分布特征及其环境影响因素. 植物生态学报, 39(11): 10441052.

 Wang Y, Wang Z-L, Feng X, Guo C, Chen Q. 2014.Long-term effect of agricultural reclamation on soil chemical properties of a coastal saline marsh in Bohai Rim, northern China. PLoS ONE, 9(4): e93727. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093727

 Wang Y, Wang H, Wang Z-L, Ma Z, Dai X, Wen X, Liu Y. 2014. Effect of litter layer on soil-atmosphere N2O flux of a subtropical pine plantation in China. Atmospheric Environment, 82: 106–112. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.10.028

冯小平, 王义东, 郭长城, 王中良. 2014. 长期垦殖与退化对七里海芦苇沼泽土壤盐分的影响. 湿地科学, 12(3): 388394.

 Wang Y, Wang H, Ma Z, Dai X, Wen X, Liu Y, Wang Z-L. 2013. The litter layer acts as a moisture-induced bidirectional buffer for atmospheric methane uptake by soil of a subtropical pine plantation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 66: 45–50. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2013.06.018

 Shi L, Wang H, Zhang W, Shao Q, Yang F, Ma Z, Wang Y. 2013. Spatial response patterns of subtropical forests to a heavy ice storm: a case study in Poyang Lake Basin, southern China. Natural Hazards, 69: 2179–2196. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-013-0800-1

 Wang Y, Wang H, Wang Z-L, Zhang W, Guo C, Wen X, Liu Y. 2012. Optimizing manual sampling schedule for estimating annual soil CO2 efflux in a young exotic pine plantation in subtropical China. European Journal of Soil Biology, 52, 41–47. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2012.06.002.

 Wang Y, Wang Z-L, Wang H, Guo C, Bao W. 2012. Rainfall pulse primarily drives litterfall respiration and its contribution to soil respiration in a young exotic pine plantation in subtropical China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 42, 657–666. DOI: 10.1139/X2012-017.

 Wang Y, Li Q, Wang H, Wen X, Yang F, Ma Z, Liu Y, Sun X, Yu G. 2011. Precipitation frequency controls interannual variation of soil respiration by affecting soil moisture in a subtropical forest plantation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41, 1897–1906. DOI: 10.1139/X11-105.

Zhang W-J, Wang H-M, Yang F-T, Yi Y-H, Wen X-F, Sun X-M, Yu G-R, Wang Y-D, Ning J-C. 2011. Underestimated effects of low temperature during early growing season on carbon sequestration of a subtropical coniferous plantation. Biogeosciences, 8, 1667–1678. DOI: 10.5194/bg-8-1667-2011.

Yan Y, Wang S, Wang Y, Wu W, Wang J, Chen B, Yang F. 2011. Assessing productivity and carbon sequestration capacity of subtropical coniferous plantations using the process model PnET-CN. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 21, 458–474.

王义东, 王辉民, 马泽清, 李庆康, 施蕾蕾, 徐飞. 2010. 土壤呼吸对降雨响应的研究进展. 植物生态学报, 34, 601–610.

Wang Y, Wang H, Ma Z, Wen X, Li Q, Liu Y, Sun X, Yu G. 2009. Contribution of aboveground litter decomposition to soil respiration in a subtropical coniferous plantation in southern China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 45, 137–147.



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