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李 雪 副研究员
2021-03-24 10:06 水资源实验室 


李 雪,女,19882月生,理学博士,副研究员。20156月毕业于南开大学环境科学与工程学院(本硕博连读),获得理学博士学位,同年进入天津师范大学天津市水资源与水环境重点实验室从事科研工作。





[1].    Li X, Sha J, Wang Z-l. 2017. Chlorophyll-APrediction of Lakes with Different Water Quality Patterns in China Based onHybrid Neural Networks. Water, 9: 524.

[2].    Li X, Feng J, Wellen C, Wang Y. 2016. ABayesian approach of high impaired river reaches identification and totalnitrogen load estimation in a sparsely monitored basin. Environmental Scienceand Pollution Research, 24: 987-996..

[3].    Li X, Sha J, Wang Z-l. 2016. Acomparative study of multiple linear regression, artificial neural network andsupport vector machine for the prediction of dissolved oxygen. HydrologyResearch: nh2016149.

[4].    Li X, Li P, Wang D, Wang Y. 2014.Assessment of temporal and spatial variations in water quality usingmultivariate statistical methods: A case study of the Xin’anjiang River, China.Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 8: 895-904.

[5].    Li X, Wellen C, Liu G, Wang Y, Wang Z-L.2015. Estimation of nutrient sources and transport using Spatially ReferencedRegressions on Watershed Attributes: a case study in Songhuajiang River Basin,China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22: 6989-7001.

[6].    Li X, Zhao Y, Shi C, Sha J, Wang Z-L,Wang Y. 2015. Application of Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) model forwater resources management strategy estimation in coastal Binhai New Area,China. Ocean & Coastal Management, 106: 97-109.

[7].    Li X, Xu Y, Zhao G, Shi C, Wang Z-l,Wang Y. 2015. Assessing threshold values for eutrophication management usingBayesian method in Yuqiao Reservoir, North China. Environmental monitoring andassessment, 187: 1-10.

[8].    李雪, 曹芳芳, 陈先春, 王兆军, 王玉秋. 敏感区域目标污染物空间溯源分析 [J]. 中国环境科学, 2013,33(9)1714~1720. (EI)

[9].    Shi, C.L., Sha, J., Li, X., He, Y., Wang, X.P. and Wang, Y.Q.(2010) Study on GWLF-Bathtub model linkage to watershed management, p. IEEEEngineering in Medicine and Biology Society; Sichuan University; WuhanUniversity, IEEE Computer Society, Chengdu, China. (EI)

[10].  曹芳芳, 李雪, 王东, 赵越, 王玉秋. 新安江流域土地利用结构对水质的影响 [J]. 环境科学, 2012,34(7)2582~2587.

[11].石春力, 李雪, 孙韧, 王东, 李茹, 王玉秋. Arc Hydro模型在流域水文特征提取中的应用——以蓟县沙河流域为例. 水资源与水工程学报, 2012,23(1): 73~80.

[12].  马乐宽, 邱瑀, 赵越, 李雪, 王玉秋. 基于改进的神经网络与支持向量机的小流域日径流量预测研究. 水资源与水工程学报,2016,27(5): 23-27.


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