肖 敏,1980年10月生,博士、副研究员、研究生导师。2004年毕业于湖南文理学院获理学学士学位,2009年12月毕业于中国科学院研究生院(硕博连读),获得理学博士学位,同年进入中国科学院地球化学研究所工作,历任助理研究员、副研究员。2009年获得朱李月华奖。2015年1月作为青年访问学者赴美国密歇根大学访问与学习。2017年调入天津师范大学天津市水资源与水环境重点实验室从事科研工作。主持完成国家自然科学青年基金、国家“973”子课题、水专项子课题等3项,在研国家自然科学基金面上项目1项。在《Journal of Hydrology》、《Journal of EnvironmentalSciences》等国际刊物上发表SCI学术论文7篇。
1. M. Xiao, F. C. Wu, H. Q. Liao, et al.. Vertical profilesof low molecular weight organic acids in sediment porewaters of six Chineselakes. Journal of Hydrology. 2009, 365: 37-45.
2. M. Xiao, F. C. Wu, H. Q. Liao, et al.. Characteristicsand distribution of low molecular weight organic acids in sediment porewatersin Bosten Lake, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2010, 2(3): 328-337.
3. M.Xiao, F. C. Wu, R. Y. Zhang.. The temporal and spatial variations oflow-molecular-weight organic acids in Dianchi Lake, China. Journal ofEnvironmental Sciences. 2011, 23(8): 1249-1256.
4.M.Xiao, F. C. Wu.. Biogeochemical characteristics and environmental effectsof low-molecular-weight organic acids in lacustrine ecosystem. MineralogicalMagazine. Abstract and oral presentation. 2011, p2190.
5. M.Xiao, F. C. Wu, L. Y. Wang, et al.. Investigation of low-molecular-weightorganic acids and their spatiotemporal variation characteristics in HongfengLake, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2013, 25(2): 237-245. (Thecirculation mechanism diagram of this article is taken as the cover plot of thecurrent journal)
6. M.Xiao, F. C. Wu. A review of environmental characteristics and effects oflow molecular weight organic acids in the surface ecosystem. Journal ofEnvironmental Sciences. 2014, 26(5): 935-954.
7. Li W., Mostofa K. M.G., Wu F. C., Liu C. Q., Liao H., Zeng L., XiaoM.. Characteristics of sediment pore water dissolved organic matter in fourChinese lakes using EEM spectroscopy and PARAFAC modeling. 2016,Biogeosciences.