在Water Research、Environmental Pollution、Biogeosciences 、Journal of Environmental Quality、Applied Soil Ecology以及Catena等杂志发表SCI 论文三十余篇,单篇最高他引800余次;国际学术会议口头报告摘要十几篇。
1. 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目,氮沉降对荒漠草原土壤氮供给与生态安全的影响研究,主持,在研。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,反硝化过程中亚硝酸盐再氧化的氮和氧同位素分馏效应对硝酸盐同位素组成的影响研究,主持,在研。
3. 国家重点研发计划子课题,菜地氮磷养分流失综合阻控技术应用验证与评估,主持,结题。
4. 省部级重点项目,应用氮氧同位素技术研究天津河口反硝化以及厌氧氨氧化反应机理,主持,结题。
5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,地下水硝酸盐反硝化过程的氮氧同位素示踪研究,主持,结题;
6. 省部级面上项目,天津水体硝酸盐污染源识别的分类模型研究, 主持,结题。
7. 天津“131”人才工程第二层次,主持,结题。
8. 天津“用三年时间引进千人计划”,主持,结题。
9. 天津师范大学人才引进计划,主持,结题。
1. Xue, D.*, Botte, J., De Baets, B., Accoe, F., Nestler, A., Taylor, P., Van Cleemput, O., Berglund, M. and Boeckx, P. (2009) Present limitations and future prospects of stable isotope methods for nitrate source identification in surface- and groundwater. Water Res. 43, 1159–1170.
2. Xue, D.*, De Baets, Van Cleemput, O., Hennessy, C., Berglund, M. and Boeckx, P. (2012)Use of a Bayesian isotope mixing model to estimate proportional contributions of multiple nitrate sources in surface water. Environmental Pollution 161, 43-49.
3. Xue, D., Boeckx, P. and Wang, Z.* (2014)Nitrate sources and dynamics in the salinized rivers and estuaries-a δ15N- and δ18O-NO3- isotope approach. Biogeosciences 11, 5957-5967.
4. Xue, D.*, De Baets, B., Botte, J., Vermeulen, J., Van Cleemput, O. and Boeckx, P. (2010 ) Comparison of the silver nitrate and bacterial denitrification methods for the determination of nitrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of nitrate in surface water. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 24, 833-840.
5. Xue, D.*, De Baets, B., Vermeulen, J., Botte, J., Van Cleemput, O. and Boeckx, P. (2010)Error assessment of nitrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of nitrate as determined via the bacterial denitrification method. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 24, 1979-1984.
6. Xue, D.*, De Baets, Van Cleemput, O., Hennessy, C., Berglund, M. and Boeckx, P.(2013)Classification of nitrate polluting activities through clustering of isotope mixing model outputs. J. Environ. Qual. 42, 1486-1497.
7. Xue,D., Pang, F., Meng, F., Wang, Z. and Wu, W. (2015) Decision-tree-model identification of nitrate pollution activities in groundwater: A combination of a dual isotope approach and chemical ions. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 180, 25-33.
8. Xue,D.,, Mengfan Yang, Zhongliang Wang*(2015)Assessing the effects of acidification on N dynamics in Jiyun River system of Tianjin, China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 95:822-829.
9. Zheng, W., Xue, D.*, Li, X., Deng, Y., Rui, J., Feng, K., Wang, Z. (2017) The responses and adaptations of microbial communities to salinity in farmland soils: A molecular ecological network analysis. Applied Soil Ecology, 120, 239-246.
10. Yu, H., Xue, D.*, Wang, Y., Zhang, G., Wang, Z. (2020) Molecular ecological network analysis of the response of soil microbial communities to depth gradients in farmland soils. MicrobiologyOpen, 00,e983.
11. Xue,D., Yu, H., Fang, Y., Shan, J., Xi, D., Wang, Y., Wang, Z. (2020)15N-tracer approach to assess nitrogen cycling processes: Nitrate reduction, anammox and denitrification in different pH cropland soils. Catena, 193, 104611.