陈 阳,1989年3月出生,理学博士,助理研究员,中共党员,2016年6月毕业于北京师范大学减灾与应急管理研究院(硕博连读),获得理学博士学位,期间赴美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)区域地球系统科学与工程联合研究所(JIFRESSE)联合培养一年,研究生阶段获得2013年度、2015年度博士研究生国家奖学金。2016年9月进入天津师范大学天津市水资源与水环境重点实验室工作。
1.Chen Y, Xia JZ, Yuan WP et al. 2014. Comparison of EvapotranspirationModels over Terrestrial Ecosystem in China. Remote Sensing of Environment, 140,279-293.
2.Chen Y, Yuan WP, Xia JZ, Fisher JB et al. 2015. Using Bayesian ModelAveraging to Estimate Terrestrial Evapotranspiration in China. Journal ofHydrology, 528, 537-549.
3.Yuan WP, Chen Y, Xia JZ, Dong WJ et al. 2016. Estimating Crop YieldUsing a Satellite-based Light Use Efficiency Model. EcologicalIndicators, 60, 702-709.
4.Liu D, Chen Y, Cai WW et al. 2014. The contribution of China’s Grain for Green Program to carbonsequestration. Landscape Ecology, doi: 10.1007/s10980-014-0081-4.
5.Xia JZ, Chen Y, Yuan WP et al. 2015. Global Simulations of CarbonAllocation Coefficients for Deciduous Vegetation Types. Tellus B.
6.Yuan WP, Cai WW, Chen Y et al., 2016. Severe Summer Heatwave and DroughtStrongly Reduced Carbon Uptake in Southern China. Scientific Reports, 6, 18813.
7.Long D, Pan Y, Zhou J, Chen Y et al., 2017. Global analysis of spatiotemporalvariability in merged total water storage changes using multiple GRACE productsand global hydrological models. Remote Sensing of Environment, 192, 198-216.
8.Li XL, Liang SL, Yuan WP, Yu GR, Chen Y et al. 2012. Estimation ofevapotranspiration over the terrestrial ecosystems in China, Ecohydrology,7(1), 139-149, doi: 10.1002/eco.1341.