(1) Fang Wang, Qiurong Zhang, Wei Sha, Xin Wang, Manhong Miao, Zhong-Liang Wang(*), Yao Li(*). The adsorption of endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) on carbon nanotubes: effects of algal extracellular organic matter (EOM). Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2021, 23, 109.
(2) Fang Wang, Wei Sha, Xin Wang, Yuntao Shang, Lei Hou, Yao Li(*). Adsorption of 17α-ethinyl estradiol and bisphenol A to graphene-based materials: Effects of configuration of adsorbates and the presence of cationic surfactant. Adsorption Science & Technology, 2021, 2021, 9970268.
(3) Fang Wang(*), Min Zhang, Wei Sha, Yidong Wang, Huizhi Hao, Yuanyuan Dou, Yao Li(*). Sorption behavior and mechanisms of organic contaminants to nano and microplastics. Molecules, 2020, 25, 1827.
(4) Fang Wang, Qiang Zeng, Zhixuan Jia, Lei Hou(*), Zhong-Liang Wang. Adsorption of typical endocrine disrupting chemicals by wheat straw biochars and the effects of the steric structure. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2020, 182, 395-404.
(5) Fang Wang, Qiang Zeng, Wenting Su, Min Zhang, Lei Hou(*), Zhong-Liang Wang. Adsorption of bisphenol A to peanut shell biochars: the effects of surfactants. Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 2428505.
(6) Fang Wang(*), Xuan Wang, Min Zhang, Huizhi Hao, Huihui Wang, Yingying Wang, Yao Li(*). Effects of residual carbon materials on the disinfection byproduct formation in artificial and natural waters. Chemosphere, 2020, 238,124695.
(7) Fang Wang, Zhixuan Jia, Wenting Su, Yuntao Shang, Zhong-Liang Wang(*). Adsorption of phenanthrene and 1-naphthol to graphene oxide and L-ascorbic-acid-reduced graphene oxide: effects of pH and surfactants. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26, 11062-11073.
(8) Fang Wang, Joris J.-H. Haftka, Theo L. Sinnige, Joop L.M. Hermens(*), Wei Chen(*), Adsorption of polar, nonpolar, and substituted aromatics to colloidal graphene oxide nanoparticles. Environmental Pollution, 2014, 186, 226–233.
(9) Fang Wang, Rong Ji, Zhongwei Jiang, Wei Chen(*), Species-dependent effects of biochar amendment on bioaccumulation of atrazine in earthworms. Environmental Pollution, 2014, 186, 241–247.
(10) Fang Wang, Yi Chen, Joop L.M. Hermens, Steven T.J. Droge(*), Evaluation of passive samplers with neutral or ion-exchange polymer coatings to determine freely dissolved concentrations of the basic surfactant lauryl diethanolamine: Measurements of acid dissociation constant and organic carbon-water sorption coefficient. Journal of Chromatography A, 2013, 1315, 8–14.
(11) Fang Wang, Dongqiang Zhu, Wei Chen(*), Effect of copper ion on adsorption of chlorinated phenols and 1-naphthylamine to surface-modified carbon nanotubes. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2012, 31(1), 100–107.
(12) Lei Hou, Qibin Liang, Fang Wang(*). Mechanisms control the adsorption-desorption behavior of phosphate to magnetite nanoparticles: the role of particle size and surface chemical characteristics. RSC Advances, 2020, 2020, 10, 2378-2388.
(13) Xinlei Liu, Rong Ji, Yu Shi, Fang Wang(*), Wei Chen. Release of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from biochar fine particles in simulated lung fluids: Implications for bioavailability and risks of airborne aromatics. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 655, 1159–1168.
(14) Xinlei Liu, Yuejiao Wang, Zelin Shen, Xuan Wu, Yu Shi, Fang Wang(*). A method for assessing carcinogenic risk of air fine particle-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by considering bioaccessibility in lung fluids. MethodsX, 2019, 6, 558–566.
(15) Fanfan Wang, Lin Duan, Fang Wang, Wei Chen(*), Envrionmental reduction of carbon nanomaterials affects their capabilities to accumulate toxic organic contaminants. NanoImpact, 2016, 1, 21–28.
(16) Fanfan Wang, Fang Wang, Dongqiang Zhu, Wei Chen(*), Effects of sulfide reduction on adsorption affinities of colloidal graphene oxide nanoparticles for phenanthrene and 1-naphthol. Environmental Pollution, 2015, 196, 371–378.
(17) Zhichong Qi, Lunliang Zhang, Fang Wang, Lei Hou, Wei Chen(*), Factors controlling transport of graphene oxide nanoparticles in saturated sand column. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2014, 33(5), 998–1004.
(18) Fanfan Wang, Fang Wang, Guandao Gao, Wei Chen(*), Transformation of graphene oxide by ferrous irons: Environmental implications. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2015, 34(9), 1975–1982.
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